Shreveport, LA Native Navy Veteran Established, 2010
Art is the gift that GOD has blessed me with, something I use to beautify life along the way. It is my first love that I hold dear to my heart! It is my life and life itself!
My Specialty
I specialize in speed, versatility and bulk and can get your masterpiece completed in a timely fashion (usually before the agreed deadline). Art has been my love since the age of 5 and I have gained diverse knowledge along the way, increasing in skill and professionalism ever more. I am “your” artist, and dependable especially for those who may have a different gift other than the creation of art. I am the hand of the artless, the voice of the speechless, the eyes of the blind and ears for the deaf when it comes to art… just give me a canvas to beautify it, and it’s done!
Good and bad, is found in every crevice of the human being. Though a good person can do bad things, while the bad can also render a good deed. Who would be to blame if the godly light suddenly turns on, catching all in the very deed they are doing rather right or wrong? Would the one who does good deeds all their life to then be caught up in a bad deed, whilst attempting to hide it from God, be justified once caught? Or the evil one, finally doing one good deed in life and thus, this action, being caught by the eyes of the Great Beholder our Lord, be welcomed into His Kingdom because of so?
This is why we shouldn’t play with sin (nor judge a book by it’s cover but rather read the pages and get to know) for it is sure to make one falter into losing God’s grace. For surely one that does decent their whole life, to succumb to a few bad deeds, should still be welcomed into God’s Kingdom, since their good outweighs their bad by far. However, God is the Judge and none knows His mind nor thoughts unless He reveals such to us.
For God is truly good and the only One that can hold such a pure title consecutively. He supplied us a platform to stand and build righteously upon, a spiritual community in life, while overlooking our own egos in trying to compete on who’s better and is worthy to make it to God’s heart, but coming together as a spiritual community, embracing each other no matter what faults we have, to encourage each other to do better in holiness and truth… for love is the ribbon that wraps this into its beautiful package, hoping one day to gift it to our Lord, even though He needs not. For it’s the loving thought that counts!